Monday, June 29, 2009

My goal and purpose

Hey all,

I thought it would a good idea to share with all of you my goals, as well as my purpose in photography so here is a brief explanation. =)

My goal is to eventually become a profession photography. After graduation from high school, I will remain at home and take business classes at a local collage where I will attend for two years until I get my associates in business. After which I am planning on moving to a wonderful town that I lived in for about four years. Once there I hope to be able to launch Thousand Words Photography, and from there we will see where life takes me.

As for my purpose in photography, it is absolutely without a doubt to bring glory to our God's wonderful creation. The more pictures I take the more I come to find that no matter how hard you try it is impossible to take a picture that does that absolute beauty of His creation justice. God has given me an incredible gift, one that I am extremely thankful, and what better way to show my thanks to such an awesome God then to use the gift He gave me to give him all the glory.

Thanks so much for reading.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Here are a few of the portrait pictures that I have taken. Please feel free to leave a comment feedback is always welcome and appreciated. =)

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